Nurturing leadership: The HKFYG Leadership Institute
Exploring young people's leadership potential while encouraging contributions to society was the focus of The HKFYG Leadership Institute's Grand Opening on 31 March 2019. The Guest of Honour was The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam GBM, GBS, Chief Executive.
Open Day programmes with a "Make Wonders" theme followed the ceremony. They included guided tours of the revitalized former Fanling Magistracy, a heritage building that is home to the Institute. Talks by leading figures from organizations such as Tesla and the UNHCR, sharing sessions with outstanding alumni, movies and workshops filled the afternoon. A two-day caucus in partnership with One Young World* completed the event with speakers from Finland, Malaysia, the US and Zambia who gave young participants insight on issues of global concern.
More details
* One Young World is a platform forum for young leaders: oneyoungworld.com
Hong Kong FLL Robotics Tournament winners go to the FIRST Championship
World Festival
Date and venue 17-20 April, Houston, Texas
Carmel Secondary School Winning team of 2018/19 Hong Kong FLL Robotics Tournament will represent Hong Kong, competing with 600+ teams from more than 40 countries
Aims To develop young people's creativity, analytical thinking and STEM-related abilities
Activities Designing, building and programming a robot that completes missions on a table-top playing field
More details ccst.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Ken Hui or
Carlos Lo 2561 6149
The Dragon Foundation
11th Charity Golf Tournament at Mission Hills
Friday 26 April 2019
Goal Fundraising for leadership programmes for young Chinese worldwide
Venue Mission Hills Golf Club, Dongguan Clubhouse
Time 9am - 4pm
Enrollment and sponsorship dragonfoundation.net/golf2019
Enquiries Mandy Tung 2811 2779
Stepping up efforts to reduce and recycle waste
Slow start to garbage control reflected in HKFYG Youth I.D.E.A.S. No. 40
Main findings
● Approximately 60% had recycled plastic, paper or metal
● Over 31% had seldom or never recycled garbage
● Among the latter, 63% said their reason was inconvenience
Main barriers
● Lack of policy and regulations
● Difficulties faced by recycling industry
● Inconvenient recycling facilities
More details yrc.hkfyg.org.hk/2019/03/28/yi040/
Enquiries Beji Ho 3755 7042
Development of Whole Person Wellness in Youth
HKFYG Journal of Youth Studies No. 41
Main focus Developing and promoting whole-person wellness in youth and showing how it enables them to overcome challenges
Plus Articles on Implementation of STEM education in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore schools
More details click here
Enquiries Ada Wong 3755 7036
Hong Kong Science Project Competition: Final Judging cum Award Presentation Ceremony
Saturday 27 April
Venue Hong Kong Science Park
Joint organizers Education Bureau, Hong Kong Science Museum, HKFYG
Supported by Innovation and Technology Commission and Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
More details hksspc.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Suki Wong 2561 6149
Exchange programme: Wudang Mountains & China Wudang Kungfu Academy
Date 18-27 April 2019
Target 40 youths aged 15-25
Partner Funding Scheme for Youth Exchange in the Mainland
Sponsor Youth Development Commission
Organizer HKFYG Youth Exchange Unit
Enquiries Joanne Lam 3586 8448
More details click here

Innovation & Technology Scholarship Award Presentation Ceremony
Monday 1 April 2019
Joint sponsors and supporters Innovation & Technology Commission and HSBC
Scholarships Of up to HK$150,000
For 25 talented young people annually
With Overseas and mainland China attachment programmes
Guest of Honour The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam, Chief Executive
Venue Grand Hall, Central Government Offices, Tamar, Hong Kong
More details innotechscholarship.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Judith Lee 2561 6149
The Greater Bay Area and Hong Kong's Role: HSBC Financial Dialogue Series
HSBC Future Skills Development Project
For University students
Date Tuesday 9 April 2019 4pm-7.30pm
Venue L28, HSBC Main Building
More details leadershipinstitute.hk/event/fds
Enquiries Jacky Yeung 2169 0255