Hong Kong GreenMech Contest
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) is a game-changer. It enhances knowledge and application of scientific principles and systematic thinking. That's why the Federation organizes the annual Hong Kong GreenMech Contest where participants integrate various STEM concepts by constructing and designing a system with unique contraptions and bringing their creativity, team spirit and problem-solving skills into full play.
Founded in Taiwan and introduced to Hong Kong by HKFYG in 2010, this year's competition on 18 May nurtures young people's creativity in mechanical design and scientific applications. It involves designing and building components and keeps young people curious, inventive and competitive. The best teams will go on to represent Hong Kong at the 2019 World GreenMech Contest in Taiwan.
Innovation & Technology Commission
Supporting institution
Babyboom Learning Co Ltd
Venue partner
Hong Kong Science Park Corporation Ltd
More details ccst.hkfyg.org.hk/比賽/香港機關王競賽/
Enquiries Shaan Li 2561 6149
The Future Economist:
10-day Summer School for Global Leadership
Target Senior high school students from around the world
Sponsor Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Dates 25 July to 3 August 2019
Focus Exploring a "Sustainable Economy"
Aim Understanding socioeconomic transformation to manage future work
Organizer HKFYG Leadership Institute
Participation fee HK$7,000: early-bird rate including accommodation
Participant applications event.hkfyg.org.hk/event.php?id=597
Team helper applications form.jotform.me/91252574373459
More details bit.ly/2IbarPW
Video youtu.be/uEcYBTkAmKw
Start-up Mixer @Entrepreneur Day
17 May 2019
Format Speed-dating-style business advice session for Hong Kong startups
Supported by successful entrepreneurs, sector experts and investors
Target 100+ young entrepreneurs and members of startup community
Venue Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Start-up Clinic, Hall 1D, HKCEC
Application deadline 10 May 2019 first-come-first-served
Organizer HKFYG Social Innovation and Youth Business Unit
More details sic.hkfyg.org.hk/en/2019/04/26/2691/
Enquiries Jessie Ng 3956 8001
Making Changes: inclusive community education project funded by Beat Drugs Fund
Goals Dissemination of anti-drug messages while raising young people's sense of self-esteem
Organizer HKFYG Youth Crime Prevention Centre - Tsuen Wan and Kwai Chung Outreaching Social Work Team
Target Young people including ethnic minorities aged 10-35
Activities Educational workshops, vocational training, volunteer training and positive attitude-promoting activities such as sports and cooking classes
Plus Anti-drug carnival
Duration March 2019-March 2021
Venue / District Kwai Tsing District
More details ycpc.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Bob Lee 2487 6151

HKFYG's Hong Kong 200 Leadership Project: Key programme of HSBC Future Skills Development Project
Application deadline 20 May 2019
Aims To enhance sense of social responsibility and bring positive impact
With Chance of fully-funded overseas exchange/internships
Target 2018/19 academic year S4-S6; Grade 10-12 or equivalent
Core training dates July to August 2019
Fee HK$900
Apply at bit.ly/2Sjqv3k
Promotional video youtu.be/Tftm5aKV2iM
Enquiries Kylie Wan 2169 0255
Advancing the Honours
and Awards System of the HKSAR
Report No. 41 HKFYG Youth I.D.E.A.S.
Major findings Survey with 522 respondents
● Acknowledgement for contributions to society are important according to 95%.
● However, 60% said they would not consider nominating anyone.
● The chance of corruption or the poor reputation of some past recipients damages the system's credibility according to 35% and 39% of this 60%, respectively.
Date March 2019
More details in Chinese click here
Enquiries Sharon Cheung 3755 7039