Inventions that deliver solutions
Did you know that a group of Hong Kong secondary students have invented a toy that can be used for the early identification and treatment of dyslexia? How cool is that?
Using augmented reality mobile applications, image recognition technology and 3D printing, their toy, C.A.R.D. - Augmented Reality Game for Identifying Early-age School Kids with Dyslexia was a winning project of the Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition 2020 organised by the HKFYG, and is one of the local innovations and research achievements to be showcased in the Virtual InnoCarnival 2020, being held from today through 31 December 2020.
The HKFYG and the Hong Kong Science Park are campaign partners of this large-scale online event organised by the Innovation and Technology Commission, bringing to the public a series of interesting and inspiring InnoTech workshops and webinars. There are also virtual exhibitions of other amazing inventions like Super Skin for skin lacking tactile perceptual ability; Wearable Exoskeletons for motion assistance; a Smart automatic parking system for electric vehicles; and a Toilet flushing water sanitization system.
Through the wide array of activities, we hope you will appreciate the contributions of Hong Kong's local innovation and technology (I&T) industry that seeks solutions to common problems that benefit us all. Log in and explore all this and more at innocarnival.hk
Enquiries Hayley Chau 2561 6149
Academic Support for eLearning at Home
Aim To provide underprivileged students with both academic and emotional support, enabling them to continue effective learning at home during the school suspension period amidst the pandemic
Period October 2020 to February 2021
Activities include
● Snapask 1-to-1 Online Learning Support Service which offers free question quotas for 1,300 primary and secondary school students
● Wellness Weekend which features a series of online workshops and live programmes, including the upcoming harmony pastel online workshop in January 2021 for 25 youth and their parents
Funded by HSBC Community Partnership Programme
More details and registration m21.hk/support
Enquiries Katy Lok 3979 0033
Get ready for Career Transit
Goals To assist the unemployed and underemployed persons affected by the epidemic by providing support in three directions: "career planning", "job-searching skills" and "creating opportunities", helping them to create opportunities while looking for the next job
Activities include Online career seminar, job-searching & CV writing workshop, career planning consultation and upskilling workshops
Launch and seminar on 18 December 2020
Speakers include Kathy Ho, Senior Customer Success Manager, LinkedIn; Alice Lui, Deputy Executive Director, HKFYG; Francis Ngai, Founder & CEO, SVhk; Olmen Chu, Yoga Instructor/ Lululemon Ambassador; C.K. Lee, Past Chairman, Human Capital Management Society, HKMA, Founder & Managing Director, C.K. Lee & Associates; Sandy Leung, Co-Owner & Manager, Talent Acquisition & Branding, HKBN
Target participants Youth aged 18 or above
Co-organized by SVhk (Social Ventures Hong Kong), HKFYG and LinkedIn
More details click here
Enquiries Angie Lam or Rennie Wong 3113 7999
"I-Leader" Online Leadership Training Series
Aim To help students understand their personal talents and deepen their leadership skills in the new normal
The Series involves
● a tailor-made online leadership potential test (I-Check) to identify young people's personal leadership traits
● a newly-established educational e-portal (I-Channel) to motivate young people to self-learn basic leadership theories and skills
● series of online live lectures (I-Talk) conducted by Hong Kong young leaders to understand the attitude
● real-time online interactive skill labs (I-Lab) to encourage young people to practice and evaluate their leadership capability required for leadership positions in schools
Target participants S.1-S.6 students
Coming soon January 2021 to June 2021
More details click here
Enquiries Kylie Wan 2169 0255
"Happy in Farm" Youth Biodiversity Education Programme 2
Aim To enhance knowledge, interest and appreciation of farming, natural environment and biodiversity among youth and the public
Activities Each session includes Tai Lam Country Park eco-tours, and workshops and games in the HKFYG Organic Farm, Ho Pui Reservoir
Date and time December 2020 to March 2021, 9:30am - 4pm
Free of charge
Funded by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
More details organicfarm.hk
Enquiries Izzi Pang 2838 4808

Vulnerable and resilient: Youth Hong Kong magazine No 12.4 December 2020
In this issue we look at some of the reasons behind potentially risky behaviour. We explore complex issues through stories and interviews and we look at various services offered in response to vulnerable youth's needs.
Read online at youthhongkong.hkfyg.org.hk
Advertising, requests and enquiries
Ada Chau 3755 7108
email youthhongkong@hkfyg.org.hk

Green Living: Youth SPOT magazine No 63 December 2020
In today's world, it's becoming increasingly important for us to take action that ensures the longevity of ourselves, our society, and our planet. The vital first step in sustainable living is to go green on our daily habit. Let's live green!
Find Latest issue at all HKFYG outlets
Read online at cps.hkfyg.org.hk/ysm/magazineissues
Enquiries Tiffany Lam 3755 7091