Empowering Youth to Build Skills with Job Opportunities
With the advent of 5G, having digital skills is growing in importance, especially for young people and their employability. However, knowledge alone is not always enough and having the opportunity for training and gaining experience are what will make the difference.
The Federation is launching the Telecommunications Opportunities Programme (TOP), a job-creation scheme commissioned by The Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, which comprises of nearly 100 opportunities to work in various telecommunications-related companies with the support from Communications Association of Hong Kong. By helping to create 12-month, full-time jobs in the telecommunications sector, TOP ensures that young people with get the extensive training required to make them more competitive in the work place, while also nurturing talents for the industry.
Opportunities include positions for software programmers, assistant engineers, and sales and marketing trainees, among others. With a monthly salary subsidy provided by the Government under the Job Creation Scheme funded by the Anti-epidemic Fund, young people have a real chance of building up their skills. Participants must hold a Hong Kong identity card; be over 18 years old; have an accredited certificate, diploma or degree; and have no more than five years of work experience. New and to-be graduates are also encouraged to take advantage of this offering.
Help us help young people find their pathways in life.
For those who are interested, get in touch now!
Organized by HKFYG Youth Employment Network
More details and registration yen.hkfyg.org.hk/top
Enquiries Jasmine Siu / Peggy Leung 3113 7999
Project Sport-tacular
Aims to improve law-abiding awareness and assist 10 to 24-year-old marginal youth to live life with positivity and abundance as well as nurture the mentality of giving back to the society
All-round activities with sports training, volunteering, community serving, competition and camps
Starts from February to September 2021
With support by Apple Daily Charitable Foundation
Organized by The HKFYG Youth Crime Prevention Centre
More details ycpc.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Pang Tsz-ching 2396 4711
"Embrace the Future" Virtual Reading Carnival
Aims to ignite a passion for reading in children all over 200 kindergarten and primary schools and instill positive values in them
Activities include an intensive virtual workshop with interactive storytelling and kid crafts to be held in February 2021
Featuring Choi EE, children's author and parent-child storytelling advocator; Jo Koo, HK actress and vice president of Early Psychosis Foundation and Ken Lo, founder and design director of BLOW
Funded by Swire Trust
Organized by The HKFYG Jockey Club Jat Min Youth S.P.O.T. ; HKFYG Jockey Club Cheung Wah Youth S.P.O.T. and Auntie Choi Workshop
More details Facebook Page: HKFYGJM/CHWSPOT
Enquiries Sharon Cheung 2647 0744 / Twinny Mak 2669 9111
Global Youth Science and Technology Bowl (GYSTB) 2021
Aims to provide a platform for global youth to develop their creativity and scientific mindsets, showcase their scientific achievement and innovation, and facilitate exchange among young scientists all over the world
Covering Invention and Investigation Projects Competition in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Engineering on 19 June 2021 and the Award Ceremony will be held on 20 June 2021 with an online seminar
Featuring Prof. Lam Hon-ming from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Targeting Students all over the world equivalent to the study year of Form 1 to Form 6 (US Grade 7-12; UK Year 8-13) and aged 19 or below
Enroll now ce.hkfyg.org.hk/gystb
Registration deadline 18 April 2021
Enquiries Wendy Leung 2561 6149
Global Seminar 2021 "New Leadership, Globalisation and Personal Elevation"
To equip Hong Kong's rising talents across the public, private and civil society sectors, with higher self-awareness, authenticity as well as decision-making abilities, sharpening their tools in organizing and aligning diverse value systems to prepare for the upcoming individual and organizational challenges in the post-pandemic era
Key activities include Pre-seminar induction, networking event with prominent guests, six-day virtual executive leadership seminar and post-seminar engagement. Scholarship is available for outstanding candidate
Target 30 managerial level executives aged 25 to 40
Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Organized by The HKFYG Leadership Institute
Fees HK$25,200 (Early Bird); HK$36,000 (Standard)
Early bird application deadline
15 February 2021
More details click here
Enquiries Sharon Tang 2169 0255

Youth I.D.E.A.S. think tank latest report No. 57 on To Stay or To Leave? A Critical Question for Good Governance
Major Findings
● Almost 30% of the respondents would consider emigrating overseas. The two most mentioned social reasons to leave were the enactment of the National Security Law in Hong Kong' (50.7%) and the disappointing performance of the HKSAR Government (49.3%)
● 65.5% of respondents prefer staying in Hong Kong. The two most mentioned social reasons to stay were life in the city was convenient (45.1%) and stable law and order situation in Hong Kong (29.4%)
● 91.8% of the respondents have a sense of belonging to Hong Kong
● Some respondents in case interviews have mentioned the government has failed to ascertain the needs of and the problems encountered by the youth
Major Recommendation
● Launch a territory-wide movement to collect youth's wishes for Hong Kong
● Set up a high-level centralized mechanism in handling public opinions
● Grasp every opportunity to reach young people for more communication
Onsite survey between 8 -13 December 2020 with 525 respondents aged 18- 34
Parallel individual case interview between 10 October to 26 December 2020 with 17 youth
Responsible group Governance group
Full results and recommendations in Chinese click here
Enquiries Sharon Cheung 3755 7039