Life Changes with Sports
Everyone knows that engaging in sporting activities have benefits: improving health; acquiring new skills and building friendships. But sports also helps with personal growth and development.
With the support of K&K Charity, the HKFYG Youth Crime Prevention Centre has launched The WIND - Football Training and The WIND - Youth Thai Boxing Programme for at-risk youths aged 10-24. These programmes aim to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people, enhance their positive thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, as well as strengthen their self-discipline and law-abiding attitudes, while also teaching them about competitiveness and the art of winning or losing gracefully.
From March 2021 to February 2022, the participants will attend a series of training classes, including team-building activities with stringent fitness tests. By the end, they will have a chance to participate in either a football competition or Thai boxing performance to show off their newly acquired skills reinforcing positivity and self-confidence. Those who choose to take up Thai boxing can continue with regular training sessions even after 'graduation'.
A special part of the programmes include volunteering in the community with elderly home visits, the Community Caring Day, and the Neighbourhood Reunion Lunches.
Let sports transform lives and let's support these efforts!
More details ycpc.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Bob Lee 2487 6151
Beat Drugs Fund supports four HKFYG projects
Aim to provide treatment and rehabilitation services to people with drug problems, organize preventive education and publicity programmes or conduct researches on drug abuse problem
● Project RADAR III: a 3-year project of the Youth Crime Prevention Centre (YCPC) that provides counselling and treatment to young people with hidden drug abuse problems and drug-related criminal offenses
● Project CHOICE II: another 3-year project of YCPC that provides anti-cannabis education, counselling, KOL scheme, workshops for parents as well as resource pack
● Hands-on Toxicology Science: STEM Education Anti-drugs Programme: a 3-year project of the Creative Education Unit that explains the harm and adverse effects of drugs through STEM workshops
● Anti-drugs Network in the 22nd Century: a 3-year project of Hung Shui Kiu Youth SPOT which aims to promote anti-drugs message through musical theatre and AR room escape
Enquiries Chelsea Lee 3755 7102
Hope for Success: Ready Get Set Go 2021
Aim to enhance the fresh graduates employability and provide them with job opportunities
Activities include career talk, CV ready workshop, interview-ready workshop and virtual career expo
Period January to July 2021
Target around 1,300 tertiary graduates
Sponsored by Prudential Hong Kong Limited
Organized by HKFYG Youth Employment Network
More details yen.hkfyg.org.hk/hfs2021
Enquiries Wong Man-shun 3113 7999
"My Dream" International Children's Art Exchange Exhibition Competition
Theme Life after COVID-19
Target Kindergarten and primary school students aged below 13
Application fee $100
Application deadline 26 April 2021
Overseas Exhibition selected artworks will be displayed between
7 June and 30 July 2021
Registration here
Partner Pyeongtaek International Exchange Foundation
Organizer HKFYG Youth Exchange Unit
More details here
Enquiries Diana Lee 3586 8448
A Penguin Named Pilar and Other Short Stories Exhibition
Five stories include A Penguin Named Pilar, Bellboy Peter and Pokè Save a Cat in their Hotel, Moisy the Squirrel, Sheena the Sheepdog and The Shoemaker's Daughter
Messages Faith, Altruism, Self-love, Treasure and Gratitude
Illustrations 16 talented young people, Michelle Ling Allcock and Yang Ti Liang
Period 3 to 29 April 2021
Time 10 am to 6 pm
Venue Experimental Gallery, 3/F, Hong Kong Arts Centre
Free admission
Co-presented by Hong Kong Arts Centre & HKFYG School Social Work Unit
Special thanks to Polytrade Paper Corporation Limited
More details here
Enquiries Lam Ah-huen / Lin Man-tuen 2395 0161

Winners of The HKFYG English Public Speaking Contest 2021 embarking on a new journey to the next level
Event Grand Finals and Awards Ceremony of The HKFYG English Public Speaking Contest 2021
Winners (Junior Division)
● Champion: Mark Lee (Diocesan Boys' School)
● 1st Runner-up: Vijay Sathappan Narayanan (Island School)
● 2nd Runner-up: Gladys Wong (N.T. Heung Yee Kuk Yuen Long District Secondary School)
Winners (Senior Division)
● Champion: Bill Koo (Diocesan Boys' School)
● 1st Runner-up: Yui Kurosawa (Hong Kong International School)
● 2nd Runner-up: Yau Yeuk Laam (HKCCCU Logos Academy)
Date 27 March 2021
Organized by The HKFYG Leadership Institute
Co-organized by The English-Speaking Union (Hong Kong)
More details leadershipinstitute.hk/eps
Enquiries Chloe Li 2169 0255