Redefining S-E-N
The transition from school to work is challenging for everyone, perhaps more so with young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). However, with one-on-one coaching and group support, autistic students do not need to feel that they could be left behind, instead, they could focus on developing their potential for the next stage of their lives.
Funded by The Community Chest, the HKFYG School Social Work Unit is launching FARMily - Shine. Engagement. Nurture (SEN), where the name stands for Farm and Family, a two-year programme for autistic students in years F.3 to F.6.
The point and purpose of the programme is to take full advantage of both the Federation’s Organic Farm and Hydroponic Farm, which will give the participants an opportunity to learn about farming, outdoor camping, career planning and other life skills. By merging the therapeutic benefits of farming with residential living and working together, it is believed that the young students will also be able to enhance their own sense of self-care and self-value, all leading towards a resilient attitude for future employability and community connections. On-site internships will be available and those who show promise and interest could even be considered for part-time or full-time positions on the farms after the Programme. Counselling will also be available to parents and caretakers to help them cope and release stress.
You can help by offering to be a mentor to the participants and see if you could provide them with job opportunities in the future. If you are interested, please get in touch so that together we can all build an inclusive community for ASD youth!
More details wmc.hkfyg.org.hk/farmily/
Enquiries Lam Ah-huen 2395 0161
Engaged the elderly in town with Community Health Ambassadors
Aims at showing care and support to the elderly by serving them, also filling the generation gap between the young people and elderly
Activities included group exercise with the elderly, smartphone tutorial classes and house cleaning services
Period February to April 2021
Targeting underemployed youths who were affected by COVID-19
Co-organized by HKFYG Youth Employment Network and Hong Kong Housing Society
More details click here
Enquiries Shan Lam 3113 7999
Create a new realm of comics with Healthy Comic Strip Contest 2021
Aims to enhance the public's understanding of the Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (Cap. 390) and encourage youngsters to stay away from obscene and indecent materials and violent electronic games through comic drawing
Activities comic workshops and group competition
Period May to August 2021
Funded and organized by Office for Film, Newspaper and Article Administration
Co-organized with HKFYG Jockey Club Media 21
More details m21.hk/hcsc/2021/
Enquiries Gladys Chu 3979 0021
Parents Talk Series 2021
Aims to invite experts from the education sector and VTC lecturers to discuss with parents on various hot topics about parenting
Topics this year include "DSE Tips for Parents" and "Parenting go online?"
Event dates 6 & 19 June 2021
Co-organized by HKFYG Parent Support Network and Vocational Training Council
Click here to register
Enquiries Jessica Ling 2402 9230
Free tickets to Ocean Park Conservation Day
Goal giving out tickets to 200 HKFYG's youths and volunteers for visiting the Park and participating in the fun-yet-educational games and exhibition on conservation, enriching their understanding on Hong Kong's rich biodiversity
Period 29 - 30 May 2021
Sponsored by Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong
Enquiries Chelsea Lee 3755 7102
Summer School for Global Leadership 2021 "The Pandemic: Tackling Poverty and the Growing Educational Digital Divide"
Aims to provide a 7-day intensive leadership programme for youths to look into the global impact of COVID-19 on poverty and digital divide in the areas of education and digital literacy
Including lectures with comprehensive theory and practice-based exercises, group discussion activities, team building, workshops, (virtual) field tour
Period 16 - 31 July 2021
Target 48 youths who are studying
F.4-F.6 (Grade 10-Grade 12) in the 2020/2021 academic year
Application deadline 7 June 2021
Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Organized by The HKFYG Leadership Institute
More details bit.ly/SSGL21
Enquiries Shirley Ho 2169 0255
Recruiting Now! HK Young Ambassador Scheme 2021/22
Goal to nurture young people for promoting Hong Kong's hospitality culture and diverse tourism appeal to visitors and local people
Activities include core skills training and community services which help promote tourism in Hong Kong and revive this sector
Target Hong Kong full-time students aged 15 or above
Application deadline 25 June 2021 5pm (hard copy) / 30 June 2021 (online)
Co-organized by HKFYG and Tourism Commission
More details yas.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Joanne Lam/Gigi Li 3586 8458

Balancing Privacy Protection and Big Data Development : Youth I.D.E.A.S. think tank report No. 60
Key findings
● 92.5% of respondents agreed that biometric data such as fingerprints and facial image, are sensitive personal data
● 56.6% agreed that CCTV footage for real-time monitoring purpose should be regulated under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (PDPO)
● 65.5% of respondents were in favour of criminalising the act of doxing
● Over half of the respondents were either still considering (25.5%) or did not install the LeaveHomeSafe App, and the major reason was their concerns over privacy (80.9%)
● 41.8% of respondents were against the legislation of Real-name Registration Programme for SIM Cards, mainly with concerns over privacy (65.5%) and freedom of speech being harmed (42.3%)
● Extend the definition of Personal Data and introduce the category of "sensitive personal data" in the PDPO
● Introduce the "Accountability Principle" and a "certification scheme"
● Introduce a "tech supervisory sandbox" for the start-ups
● Provide access to a complaints agency and court ordered remedies for victims of doxing
● Amend the PDPO before legislation of Real-name Registration Programme for SIM Cards
Onsite survey period
5-17 March 2021
Respondents 808 Hong Kong residents aged between 15 and 65
Full results and recommendations in Chinese click here
Enquiries Adam Choi 3755 7042