Our Next Generation of Innovators
We live in a world beset by challenges and risks that affect us all. Climate Change for example; or Poverty and Pandemics. Young people, in particular, are eager to see that these issues get tackled now and not left to fester into the future. Those with a passion for science and technology keep thinking of innovative and creative ways to address some of these challenges, and we should do our best to give them the support that they might require to make their theories and inventions practically applicable.
One such way is through The Hong Kong Student Science Project Competition, an initiative jointly organized by the HKFYG, the Education Bureau, the Hong Kong Science Museum and the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation; funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission and supported by the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences. The 2021 Competition had as its theme, "Inspiration from Living.Innovation from Science" with the sub-theme of "Sustainable Development". The Competition encourages young people to use their creative and scientific mindset to shape the future, coming up with innovative sustainable solutions to global issues.
In order to equip the participants for the Competition, a series of training workshops were provided, which covered experimental design, design thinking, data analysis and presentation skills. All these skills are actually transferable to daily life and even to a future career.
The Initial Judging cum Project Exhibition and the Final Judging cum Award Presentation Ceremony will be held on 7 August and 8 August respectively at Hong Kong Science Park.
You can watch the Final Judging cum Award Presentation Ceremony online at www.facebook.com/hkfygccst. Let's support our next generation of innovators seek for solutions to make a better world!
Organizer HKFYG Creative Education Unit
More details hksspc.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Wendy Leung 2561 6149
Let's do sports! HKFYG CUP Grand Slam 2021
Aims to encourage teenagers to do sports anytime, anywhere under COVID-19
Activities include Virtual Rope Skipping Challenge, Sports Climbing Challenge, 3 on 3 Basketball Match and 5-a-side Football Match
Period 17 August to 31 December 2021
Target youth aged 6-29
Funder Home Affairs Department
Organizer HKFYG Community Team Sports
More details click here
Enquiries Chong Ka-tung 3611 6670
Dreaming @Project Dance
Aims to establish a dance competition and performance exchange platform to bring positive energy to the community
Activities include summer showcase, dance competition, dance instructor training and backstage programme
Period July 2021 to January 2022
Target 500 children and youths
Funder Kowloon City District Youth Programme Committee
Organizer HKFYG's Project Dance Studio and Jockey Club Farm Road Youth SPOT
More details projectdance.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Pinky Lau 2715 0424
NEIGHBOURHOOD First - Rice Giving Scheme
Rationale delivering free 5kg rice packs per month to the needy
Aims to relieve the burdens of the needy and encourage youth volunteers to support and care about their neighbours
Period April 2021 to March 2022
Target 5,500 low-income families
Location All 18 districts
Funder Au Bak Ling Charity Trust
More details click here
Enquiries Monica Mok 3755 7072
HKFYG works with LCH Charitable Foundation to provide support to the elderly in need
● Care Services for the Elderly: A project of the HKFYG Youth Crime Prevention Centre to enhance the skills of youth volunteers in the context of service planning, listening, caring, and to send the elderly and deprived families care and support through home-made popular festival food and home visits in Tsuen Wan and Kwai Tsing district
● Intergenerational Floor Curling Companionship Programme: A project of the HKFYG Jockey Club Verbena Youth SPOT to enhance communication between adolescents and the elderly in Tseung Kwan O through floor curling exercises
Period August 2021 to May 2022
Enquiries Chelsea Lee 3755 7102

Navigating Career Opportunities for Young People: Youth I.D.E.A.S. think tank report No. 62
Key findings
● 72.5% of the respondents mainly considered the factor of salary in job hunting
● Most respondents paid attention to the business nature (59.8%) and company size (36.9%) when choosing employers
● 70% said company background was not an important factor
● 56.9% were willing to join Chinese enterprises; main factors were high salary, stable job and good prospects
● In-depth interviews showed that Chinese enterprises could provide a broader range of work experience and more mainland related opportunities, but long-term promotion prospects, the training mechanism and the adaptation in corporate culture may discourage youth from staying in the enterprise
● Young people should maintain their unique competitiveness by broadening their international horizons and enhancing their cultural knowledge of the East and the West
● Chinese enterprises may consider launching trainee programmes with job rotation which would facilitate the better use of talents and retention
Research period May to June 2021
Respondents 520 employees
aged 18-34
For more details and recommendations in Chinese
click here
Enquiries Amy Yuen 3755 7037