Innovating for the Future
We all know that technology, especially innovative technology is critical for the future of societies. The people most enthused and excited by the creativity and innovation in technology are young people, and they certainly are the drivers of many of today's great inventions. However, they cannot do this alone; what they need are resources and platforms to gain experience to realise their dreams.
That is what the Innovation and Technology Scholarship is all about. The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, in partnership with The Innovation and Technology Commission and HSBC, has since 2011, been awarding scholarships to young talents interested in pursuing their passions in these areas.
This year, 25 outstanding undergraduates from local universities were awarded a scholarship up to HK$150,000. The Scholarship will enable the awardees, whatever their particular industries, to widen their horizons and gain valuable experience through overseas attachments and local internship programmes, as well as mentorships with leaders in their respective fields. The purpose is for them to pursue their future careers in the field of innotech.
One of the awardees, Claudia, has been suffering from eczema since childhood. Her younger brother's severe allergies have meant long periods spent in hospital. These family - and very personal - experiences ignited her desire to study medicine and her plans are to conduct innovative medical research from the patients' perspective.
Carson, on the other hand, has had a lifelong passion in nature conservation. His plan with the scholarship is to participate in exchange programmes in universities and countries that have a high conservation awareness. He wants to learn about local technologies related to environmental conservation and sustainable development, so that he can help devise a way for Hong Kong to reach the goal of net-zero emissions.
These are but two of our talented young people who have the passion and desire to create and use innovative technology for the good of all and for the development of the community. Let's support them in building a better future!
More details innotechscholarship.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Benny Cheng 2561 6149
Project WIND - Youth Training Programme 2022
Aims to promote a healthy lifestyle among young people, enhance their positive thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, as well as strengthen their self-discipline and law-abiding attitudes
Sports include football, basketball and Thai-boxing
Activities include regular training class, individual training session, training camp, competition, community services, junior Thai-boxing coach certificate examination and closing ceremony
Target at-risk youth aged 10-24
Period May to December 2022
Funder K&K Charity
Organizer HKFYG Youth Crime Prevention Centre
More details ycpc.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Bob Lee 3755 7078
HKFYG Anti-COVID Robot Programme: One-stop A.I. Chatbot
Rationale 50 youth volunteers will be trained to update the anti-epidemic information regularly and refine the question bank to increase the accuracy of Chatbot's answers
Aims to provide the latest anti-epidemic information for the public and equip youth volunteers with digital literacy
Period til August 2022
Partners Alibaba Cloud, Four Directions Ltd, Teamsoft Technologies Ltd, Shanghai Xiaoi Robot Technology Co Ltd
Organizers HKFYG Jockey Club Media 21 and Creative Education Unit
More details click here
Enquiries Mandy Lo 2561 6149
Don't Miss it! Cultural Ambassador Programme
Aims to nurture future leaders in heritage conservation through systematic training and experience, as well as encourage cross-generation collaboration to push forward social sustainability
Activities include guided tour training workshop, community tour experience and preparation for the Annual Thematic Programme
Target culture and conservation enthusiast aged 15 or above
Period July 2022 to January 2023
Application deadline 10 July 2022
Funder American Express
Organizer The HKFYG Leadership Institute
More details click here
Enquiries Candy Chin 2169 0255

A Study on the Rise of Fake News: Youth I.D.E.A.S. think tank report No. 68
Major findings
● 66.2% of the respondents indicate that they came across disinformation in the past 6 months
● Among them, 83.9% encountered disinformation in social media or messaging communication platforms; while 41.2% encountered disinformation at least once a week
● "Political" (74.1%) and "pandemic" (73.3%) disinformation were the major types of disinformation they most often encountered
● 38.9% are against disinformation legislation because of restricting freedom of speech (71.8%), restricting freedom of the press (66.4%), and worrying about the abuse of power (53%)
Major Recommendations
● The government should formulate multiple strategies to tackle disinformation and impose stronger regulations against internet companies, rather than criminalizing individuals
● Encourage and subsidize academic institutions to start fact-checking initiatives
● Develop education policy for students and the public in order to cultivate media and information literacy for the whole society
Respondents 740 Hong Kong youths aged 15-34
Full results and recommendations in Chinese click here
Enquiries Iverson Har 3755 7042