Summer Fun and Learning
In spite of the pandemic slowing our world down, none of us, especially young people, can afford to avoid preparing for the future. In fact, new skills and knowledge will be needed as they, more than any previous generation, face new challenges and new contexts every day. But when will they have time to prepare? How about the Summer holidays?
The Federation has always been committed to helping young people get ready to face the world. Along with our regular activities and courses, we are also offering a wider range of things to do in the Summer Youth Programme, which we hope will help young people acquire new skills for the future.
This year we are highlighting the following six essential future skills: Wellness Management, Digital Skills, Life Planning, Innovation and Problem Solving, Resilience and Crisis Management, and Communication and Cooperation. There are more than 6,000 online and offline activities, through sports, arts, music, coding, leadership training, media production, and more. Young people and their families are more than welcome to join.
Have a look at what's available and enjoy a productive summer of fun and learning with us!
Save the date for registration
Open online enrolment Starting at 9 am, 8 May 2021
More details easymember.hk
Enquiries Johhny Au 3755 7030
The HKFYG Charity Golf Tournament
The Federation successfully held the first-ever charity golf tournament at The Clearwater Bay Golf and Country Club on 23 April 2021.
Thank you to all the sponsors for the generous support
Congratulations to the winners
More event highlights here
Enquiries Chelsea Lee 3755 7102
Journalist Practical Training for Teenagers
Aim to cultivate students' critical thinking, encourage them to analyze information from different perspectives, and gain a better understanding of news production
Activities include talks, workshops, training, and practical experience in journalism
Target secondary school students
Period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022
Funder Quality Education Fund
Organizer HKFYG Jockey Club Media 21
More details m21.hk/reporter_training/
Enquiries Po Po Chan 3979 0042
The HKFYG Leadership Institute "Mother's Day Bazaar"
Activities include weekend market, guided tours, workshops, art and cultural exhibitions
Target youths and their families
Period 8 to 9 May 2021
Address 302 Jockey Club Road, Fanling, New Territories
Organizer The HKFYG Leadership Institute
More details click here
Enquiries Bernadette Chow 2169 0255
The Hong Kong GreenMech Contest
Aim to learn the application of green energy, engineering and physics concept on the mechanism design in a STEM competition
Date 8 May 2021
Target primary and secondary school students
Sponsor Innovation and Technology Commission
Supporting Organization Babyboom Learning Co. Ltd & Genius Toy Taiwan Co. Ltd
Organizer HKFYG Creative Education Unit and The Hong Kong Science & Technology Park Corporation
More details click here
Enquiries Kevin Au 5109 2600

The HKFYG 2021-22 Annual Plan: Service Transformation for Youth
Formulated in the Fourth Five-year Plan (2019/20 to 2023/24), the three-pillar strategies of "Deepen Engagement", "Enhance Professionalism" and "Embrace Innovation" will continue to bring us closer to young people
Read online click here
Enquiries Mavum Cheung 3755 7088
Sports 1+1: Youth SPOT magazine No 65
This issue explores how sports can break the traditional model and evolve in a new normal, as well as bring more positive energy to youth and society
Find the latest issue at all the HKFYG outlets
Read online click here
Enquiries Tiffany Lam 3755 7091
Supporting Teachers in Facing Educational Challenges: Youth I.D.E.A.S. think tank report No. 59
Major findings
● 35.3% worked over 60 hours a week, 14.5% of them even worked over 71 hours or above
● 66.4% hoped to reduce administrative work, while they wanted to spend more time on engaging with students (61.3%) and lesson preparation work (57.1%)
● Workload increased during the pandemic as teachers need to re-design lesson contents for e-learning, learning gap among students were widen at the same time
● 72.9% of teachers agreed that students' self-directed learning is an ideal teaching model
Major recommendations
● to increase the class-and-teacher-ratio and fix a mechanism for future calculation, review teachers' professional career track
● to introduce student self-directed learning day
Respondents 354 Hong Kong secondary school teachers
Full results and recommendations in Chinese click here
Enquiries Vivian Yeung 3755 7038