Escape into Reading
There is probably nothing more escapist and magical than the wonderful world of reading. You can be anywhere. Be anyone. Learn anything. So where to start on this fantastic journey? Yes, the Book Fair.
Once again, the Federation is so pleased to be part of the Hong Kong Book Fair. This year our new publications include, "Island L'amore" and "Dear Don & Sayah" from our School Writers Series, and are the first two books of fiction from the Federation and School Young Writers Nurturing Programme. We also have books to inspire you, like "Turning Point VII", which features eight heartwarming true stories by young people who have overcome many of life's challenges with a positive attitude. Or how about a helpful book on tips to crowdfund your business? "Hong Kong Entrepreneurs' First Blind Spot" shares all. Too many books? How about just joining in a sharing session hosted by the authors and winners from our creative writing programmes? Or join our Creative Writing Zone to explore your creative writing skills and vote for the "Most Popular" Award in the secondary and primary school categories.
One exciting event will be the ceremony of the Hong Kong Creative Writing Competition and School Young Writers Nurturing Programme 2021-23. Sponsored by The Standing Committee on Language Education and Research, this will be held on Sunday, 24 July with the Hon Chu Kwok-keung, LegCo Member, Functional Constituency (Education), as our Guest of Honour.
Whatever your passion; whatever your adventure; whatever your book journey, come visit us at 1B-B38, in the General Books Pavilion at the Hong Kong Book Fair from 20 July to 26 July 2022. We're the book with the local cultural motifs! See you there!
Discounts at 20% off for new books and up to 30% off for purchasing 3 books or more
More details books.hkfyg.org.hk
Enquiries Ada Chau 3755 7108
Visit Us at HKTDC Education and Career Expo!
Aims to introduce the latest professional continuing education by HKFYG Living Life Academy
● "Building Future with Professional Trainings" sharing sessions on unmanned drone, gerontechnology and digital marketing
● Unique workshops on jewelry design, pet grooming, Zentangle and more!
Venue Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Booth Hall 5G-A27
Period 21- 24 July 2022
Admission free
Click here to know more and register for sharing session!
Enquiries Kay Kwan 2130 4000
HKFYG Research on HKDSE Students on Further Studies Planning under Epidemic
Key findings
● More than 45% of the respondents were stressed with the HKDSE result release
● Respondents agreed the epidemic affected their exam preparation (60.8%), study progress (56.6%) and exam performance (47.2%)
● The top three priorities that the HKDSE students would plan for their further studies are the interest towards the programmes (74.5%), self-expectation (63.7%) and career prospect (59.2%)
● Students should better manage their expectation on the exam result with various study plans
● Study planning should base on personal interest, ability and career preference
Support from HKFYG
DSE 2777 1112 will enhance its hotline services and uTouch will provide all-round support to all that need it
Respondents 581 HKDSE students
Full results and recommendations in Chinese click here
Enquiries Ken Hui 2788 3433
Walk with Care: NFT Art Piece Charity Sale
Aims to raise fund to support the disadvantaged local and ethnic minority students and encourage students to live a positive life with creativity
Activities the project transforms the drawings created by students into NFT art pieces for exhibition and sale in late-July
Funded and organized by Junior Chamber International Hong Kong North District
Co-organized by HKFYG Jockey Club Cheung Wah Youth SPOT
Visit Facebook to know more!
Enquiries Winnie Lam 2669 9111

Build Future Ready Skills with Google Career Certificates Programme
Aims to offer a suite of flexible online training programmes and provide learners from all backgrounds with job-ready digital skills
Scholarships will be offered to 1,000 learners from underprivileged communities in Hong Kong
Six professional certificates include:
● Data Analytics Certificate
● Digital Marketing & E-commerce Certificate
● IT Support Certificate
● Project Management Certificate
● UX Design Certificate
Target young talents aged from
18 to 35
Application deadline 24 August 2022
Funded and organized by Google Hong Kong
Co-organized by HKFYG Jockey Club Social Innovation Centre
More details bit.ly/3oi9Eje
Enquiries Queenie Ting 3595 0945