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April 26, 2018

Youth Matters – Issue No. 384

Check out our e-newsletter for upcoming activities and latest partnerships!
April 12, 2018

Youth Matters – Issue No. 383

Check out our e-newsletter for upcoming activities and latest partnerships!
March 29, 2018

Youth Matters – Issue No. 382

Check out our e-newsletter for upcoming activities and latest partnerships!
March 15, 2018

Youth Matters – Issue No. 381

Check out our e-newsletter for upcoming activities and latest partnerships!
March 1, 2018

Youth Matters – Issue No. 380

Check out our e-newsletter for upcoming activities and latest partnerships!
February 15, 2018

Youth Matters – Issue No. 379

Check out our e-newsletter for upcoming activities and latest partnerships!
February 2, 2018

Youth Matters – Issue No. 378

Check out our e-newsletter for upcoming activities and latest partnerships!
January 25, 2018


近年本港的青年情緒健康問題備受關注。本會在「?豐銀行150週年慈善計劃」支持下,於2017年1月展開了為期5年的「Project STEP-青少年情緒健康計劃」,致力帶動青少年正面認識情緒和學習關愛,鼓勵他們求助、自助和建立積極人生,並於4月舉行首屆「青協背包跑」,呼籲各界關注及回應青年情緒健康,成功吸引2,500人參與。 我們將於2018年4月29日(星期日),再度假香港科學園舉行「青協背包跑」及情緒健康嘉年華。背包象徵青少年在生活及學業上所面對的種種壓力,而跑步等運動有助緩解各種負面情緒。我們期望進一步鼓勵社會人士為推動青少年情緒健康多走一步;並為「青少年全健精神科資助計劃」籌募經費,讓有需要青少年及早接受精神科診治。預計今屆可吸引4,000人參與。 現誠摯邀請各界積極贊助上述活動或組成參賽隊伍,共同為青少年的情緒健康出力。本會將於宣傳刊物及活動網站鳴謝贊助人及公司寶號。 倘有垂詢,敬請賜電本會「伙伴及資源拓展組」,與葉明煒小姐(電話:3755 7101)/ 曾翠茵小姐(電話:2788 3433)聯絡。 贊助方案 贊助回條
January 20, 2018

Please Support: a cappella Musical Dinner 2018

The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups a cappella Musical Dinner, part of the annual International a cappella Festival in Hong Kong, is all about enjoying a wonderful evening of talented young singers, while at the same time supporting the Federation’s hotline and online counselling services for young people who require immediate assistance in their moments of need. You are cordially invited to consider being a Table Patron or Sponsor at the Dinner. Each table of ten at HK$38,000, HK$58,000 or HK$88,000 will enable you to share this magical evening along with your family and friends and 300 other prominent […]