Committed to setting up a youth membership network, providing quality services that address young people’s problems, and promoting healthy all-round development, HKFYG needs your sponsorship in many ways. Over 70 service units organize more than 25,000 activities annually, at which attendance now stands at around 6 million a year. All these activities need support from companies and organizations, funds and foundations, individual and group philanthropists. However and whatever you wish to give, we wish to work with you to achieve these goals.
eGiving Online Donation Platform
Multifarious in nature, all our activities and services aim to meet the ever-changing needs of young people and their families. Our work would be impossible without the unfailing support of dedicated, committed partners who share our vision. To benefit more youth in need, the one-stop online donation platform eGiving has been launched to offer diversified fundraising projects and convenient donation methods, encouraging members of the public to support specific youth services that they are interested regardless of time and place.
Donate now to the featured projects via to nurture youths together.

Neighbourhood First
Neighbourhood First brings the community together and is led by Hong Kong’s young people. They put neighbours first by showing them care and concern, with a sense of responsibility and civic mindedness. Sponsoring the work of this community net means different things to different people. Neighbourhood Teams work in all of Hong Kong’s 18 districts and donors may consider sponsoring team projects. They may also give donations in-kind, or support the annual Neighbourhood Day. All these help us encourage young people to care for and support their neighbours. All of them mean young people will understand why neighbourhood comes first.
Click to find out more.

Heart to Heart Project
The project encourages schools to organize volunteer activities of 500+ hours a year. It aims to cultivate a genuine wish to serve the community and to promote the concept of mutual help among neighbourhood. Every year, nearly 200 schools sign up to be Heart to Heart Schools and contribute over 200,000 service hours in over 130 service projects, and nearly 100 Heart to Heart Companies pledge HK$4,000 to support these projects.
Want to become a Heart to Heart Company? Join us! Click here

Dream Support Scheme
The HKFYG Youth Employment Network (YEN) is dedicated to providing life and career planning and employment services for young people to help them face the challenges at different stages of their life. Through the new "Dream Support Scheme", we encourage corporate partners to work with us and fulfill their Corporate Social Responsibility by assisting the youths in understanding the world of work, promoting life and career planning, and in the long run nurturing future leaders. In addition to donations to the Scheme, corporates can also participate by arranging company visits and providing internship opportunities for the youth we serve.
Please click here for more details

WL Residence
The WL Residence provides short term residential services with life planning guidance and career skills training for 18-24 year-olds facing personal challenges or family problems. Its aims are not only to give temporary shelter but also to give young people the hope and the skills they need to make a successful step into adulthood and to become productive, responsible, caring members of the community.
More info at here